Here is the list of seven path breaking inventions that I feel will have to be made sooner than later! ;-)
Invention 1: Metallic Bed sheets
Yes you heard that right! Poor Wifey spends half her little free time on setting up that bed! I wonder why she doesnt understand that there is actually no need for setting it up. It takes less than 2 minutes to get the creases all over again! If she understood she wouldnt yell at me that I am a pig wallowing on that bed! But instead of attempting the almost impossible task of convincing my wife that I am a homo-sapien, and that bed sheets are meant to be creased, I wish someone invented metal bedsheets - crease free .... no need to fold... just slide them on!
Invention 2: The flying broom!
Traffic? How I wish someone invented the flying broom on which you could perch on and fly over everyone! I can then also go back to TYS and tell him that you dont need to be necessarily short to get strategic angles of watching the pretty bangalore babes! :P
Invention 3: Keys with a tring-trong
I misplace my keys so often and its such a drain of my energy! I misplace my phone too... but my phone is more behaved and loyal to me! I just need to call and it will answer me back with a ring - "hey! You left me here! Pick me up!" - I wish keys also came up with a number and responded just like the phone!
Invention 4: Wireless Power
Wires! Just hate them! Look at my laptop in the office and you will know what I mean! And btw, I use lots of wireless router, my keyboard etc... Inspite of that you can see so many wires all over! All my USB ports are clogged! Yes I hear you .. bluetooth! But I want even electric power to be transmitted wireless! How about charging your mobile phone through a wireless mechanism?
Someone said that you might die of a shock if electricity got transmitted through the air! Well I would die of stress anyways when I see so many wires!
Invention 5: Diet Pizzas
I feel miserable and guilty everytime I hog on anything tasty! Some unwritten rule seems to be that everything tasty ought to have calories attached with it! Can someone make the same yummy pizzas with out the calories in that cheese? I wish I could eat them without counting how many hours of work-out has been negated?
Invention 6: Human Blinkers
It takes women centuries to decide what they need! Then it takes decades for them to select which make would be fine! And then a few years to finally the color! And then while they walk out to the billin section, God save you if they spot something else (which they always manage to) attractive! So how about blinkers for the mistress? Easy on pocket, time and effort!
Innovation 7: Cooking Geometry Box
Does the chapati have to be circular? Doesnt life get monotonous to eat the same round chapatis night after night?
Everytime I roll the dough I always end up getting better geometrical shapes! First of all that damn thing always sticks to the wooden slab that I roll it on! And when I do manage to get something out, its either a rectangle, sometimes it could be a pentagon, a hexagon or any polygon with n sides! :)
Does the chapati have to be circular? Doesnt life get monotonous to eat the same round chapatis night after night?
Everytime I roll the dough I always end up getting better geometrical shapes! First of all that damn thing always sticks to the wooden slab that I roll it on! And when I do manage to get something out, its either a rectangle, sometimes it could be a pentagon, a hexagon or any polygon with n sides! :)
Or better still it could represent a perfect amoeba shape! Amoeba chapatis... yummy as they can be!
I know you will agree that it is boring and monotonous to eat the same round-round chapatis. But my wife doesnt seem to understand! Then I tell her it will just anyway end up in your tummy... round-round or amoeba-amoeba! But then I think it will be easier to buy a Cooking geometry box instead!
I can take the compass out and then make a perfect circle before I toast it! I can probably use the protractor and the set-squares to accurately measure and cut the vegetables in appropriate shapes and sizes!
There goes my wishlist! Whats yours?
now thats wht i call wishful thinking...but i really prefer my angle in seeing the girls :)
personally, iam with u on the chappati part...i hve once made my son chappatis that put together spelled his name...too bad he didnt know how to read then...but wht the hell, rite?...ur pic of ur creation was appetizing...eventhough my wife said that it looked like a chappati tht has been shot...shes got a morbid sense of humour ( she married me after all) so just ignore her...
U do get the roti makers u know.....they make some really mean round rotis....try that, maybe your wife will be humoured after all....
that looked like a whole lot of rotis stuck together :)
keys with a tring-trong...nice one...
women dont appreciate creativity man! Specially if its not their own creation! :P
and tell me the trick! I am sure wifey will be mighty pleased if I made a chapati that spells her name out! :P
The simpler solution will be to trick my wife to opt for rolling the dough herself and leave the easier job of frying them to me! :P
but thanks... will look that gadget up! :) or perhaps you can gift one to us! ;-)
btw, are you referring to those roti pressers? we were abt to pick it up when someone told us that you need to smear it with a lot of oil to make sure the rotis dont stick! Is that true?
'whole lot of rotis stuck together'
welcome to the world of 'Fast Foods'! Imagine making 3 or 4 different rotis seperately and eating them seperately! Such a waste of time and effort! :P So you get all packed in one!
So you misplace your keys too? Gee! I am glad! I have company! :)
Raghu..I too have a wish.
What if everyone of us have a look alike. I will send him to college and I will sleep.I will eat food and he will do the following activity next day. I will go out with my girlfriend and he will be at home...
That is called as 'independence in dependence'.
hearing hearing hearing....
Wondering if your look-alike just reversed the roles ....
sends you to college and he sleeps.
he eats and you do the following activity next day!
and imagine... if he goes out with *your* girlfriend?? :P
be careful of what you wish for! :P
okie u r worrying me...where are u?...
hows the holidays been?
been busy with work... holidays were good... how were yours? Happpy new year!
Absolutely nice one !!!!! :))) Loved the pic of the rotis... Like amoeba :D Hee hee.... Why did you ever stop blogging ???
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