Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Yet another tag from Impulsive Outpourings. Two tags on the same day? I guess this a way of taking your revenge for cheering for you in your TT matches? ;)

(1) What were you doing 5 years ago?
Working at India Software Labs, IBM.

(2) What are 5 things on your to-do list for today?
Zzzzz... (5 Zs in the snore) as I intend to sleep in a few minutes! :P

(3) What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
I will list them out only if you promise to deliver them to my house.

(4) What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire
Here is my ICICI account number - 341267845 - Please do the needful and I will practically demonstrate it to you! :P

(5) What are five jobs you’ve had?
Do you work for ;) Sorry.. am not looking for a change right now!


Moonstruck Girl said...

Very imaginative answers to quite an unimaginative set of questions :D

Tys on Ice said...

:)...i totally second that first comment

Karkuzhali said...

Me liked and laughed at the answers, too. I find an irritated tone in the answers. So , I guess you were getting sleepy and really wanted to get done with those ques. ;)

Raghu said...

@im & tys
never knew that shirking away from responding sensibly could actually be looked upon as 'imaginative'! ;)

thanks. get done? na... not too sure if i even wanted to get started! :)