Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The definition!

We use the word 'random' so often, but it suddenly stuck me if such a thing exists? I tried to question what exactly do we mean by something being 'random'?

If a particle's next 'state' can be any one of the defined states with equal probability then do we say that such a particle is in random motion? It has to switch from its current state to the next one for sure... but which exact state can not be predicted! Not a bad start for a definitin I guess!

But here is my problem with this definition. You as an 'observer' are not capable of predicting the next state of the particle... doesn't mean that the particle/(forces around it) does not know where it is heading! Let me explain that...

Imagine the start of this Universe. It is widely believed that the Universe started with a Big Bang. There was nothing before Big Bang (in fact the concept of time started with Big Bang!). Even in Occidental thinking, the world seems to be born out of Sound (Om).

Let me simplify the situation and say that the big bang produced only two particles instead of this entire complex universe. Now these two particles are expected to obey all the laws of physics (well I always wondered why they should... but then ... we believe they do on a time invariant basis! - a ball dropped will bounce back today as it used to bounce back a 100 years ago and as it will bounce back 100 years from now!). In such a case, every particle's next move is predictable based on the laws of physics and their interaction with each other! This state of the particle will predict its next state and the new state should predict the next and so on.... So I wonder if anything in this Universe is truely Random! Everything can perhaps be dictated by its previous state (vis-a-vis the state of the system to which it belongs to).

Let me make that rant simpler... it is the inability of the observer to understand why certain things behave in a certain fashion that brings in the concept of randomness!

For example, to a lay-man on the street the stock exchange phenomena is a random up and down motion! For most of us economies up turn and down turns may be random phenomena! As you unravel and have more deeper insights into these systems, the degree of randomness seems to come down! There seems to be some directed movement and you seem to see trends in what you once felt were haphazard motions!

I was breaking my head when help came in from a friend. I asked him what he thought about randomness and pat came the reply - "There have been research thesis submitted for PhDs to define randomness in absolute terms! So just chill!"

Having said all this, try predicting human emotions and how people deal with you ... and thats where I wonder if 'randomness' does exist - or perhaps I dont understand the emotional landscape that well!


Monk said...

There is no 'random'ness in the Universe. When something happens which cant be explained we call it random. It is another word for our current ignorance of Universal Laws.

Human emotions can be politely described as a can of worms. As long as man is not anchored in Divinity, his behaviour is erratic. Hence 'random'.

Human behaviour which is governed by selfishness and greed and drive for power is boringly predictible. Its the voice of conscience whose screams are sometimes heard through which cause a sudden turnabout from the normal human behaviour making it erratic or random :-)

Raghu said...

Thank you... for dropping in...
And thanks for your thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

All randomness begin with the fact that you want to define it...leave it as it is and just want the present...let the randomness stay where it is :)
Till then enjoy the fact that each emotion strays out of your heart and nothing is constant in there....
This unknown brings with it, excitement and need to know more

Raghu said...

Thank you for sharing your view.

Am a bit worried about 'nothing being constant there' - that would make all of us opportunists! :)

So I love to live my life with a few constant and time invariant emotions:) It may seem tough for most, but I have always lived that way and I choose to live that way because that brings in more inner satisfaction for me! :)

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Tys on Ice said...

as long as we are in the midst, its difficult to see the pattern..removing oneself from the situation, one is to a large extent able to percieve the matter better...randomness, unity, god , faith, divinity are all just various hues created by the ego to ensure continuity...a state of purity has no quality, just as a chair that is made of constanly moving atoms seems solid...

Raghu said...

Thats true... we are a 'part' of the cosmos... so kind of difficult to detach ourselves and look at things

Even when I studied physics, the 'observer' had to be 'outside' the 'system' on which he would apply the laws of physics :)

and dude! You have given more food for me to reflect on (read confuse) ... "a state of purity has no quality, just as a chair that is made of constanly moving atoms seems solid" - that will keep me busy reflecting on for quite a while! :)

aMus said...

hey i need help there...physics is one thing i try to avoid explaing to my son 'cos i just don't understand it...matter is made up of atoms...blah...blah..

as tys on ice said **just as a chair that is made of constanly moving atoms seems solid**...

Raghu said...

ask your son to join our evening discussions... I promise he will not talk anything other than physics! :P

Monk said...

Everything is created by Nature except EGO which is man made. Ego is identification with self as centre of universe and expecting all mankind to cooperate for the progress for self. Ego stands on its hind legs and screams in agony when it is not given importance or the first position in all happenings.

God, faith, surrender. Divinity have nothing to do with ego except its annihilation:-) In creation there is always black and white, good and bad and entire spectrum of dualities. Only BLISS which is the innate state of purity of man is not subject to dualities. It simply IS.

Raghu said...

Thank you!

Tys on Ice said...

hey raghu, wheres the rest of the posts? whts going on?...

this does not look like a random act :)